Qtermo boilers warranty

Warranty policy

  1. Warranty period of 2 year starts from the purchase date, unless stated otherwise.
  2. During warranty period, if there is any defect from factory’s production standard or from correct usage/installation according to the official usage/installation manual, Vogel Flug will repair or replace the defective parts, as deemed appropriate by Qtermo in its discretion, free of change.
  3. Qtermo does not warrant or guarantee, and is not responsible for defects, failures, damages or performance limitations caused in whole or in part by:

    1. Repair, Alterations, and/or Modifications to any part of Qtermo’s product by person not authorized by Qtermo.
    2. Natural disaster, Lightning, power failures, surges, or accidents.
    3. Negligence or lack of maintenance products.
    4. Animals or bugs get inside and damage the product.
    5. Intentional or unintended consumer abuse, improper use, improper handling, unsuitable storage of products. Additionally installed equipment, such as pipelines, insulators, wires, switches, is not subject to warranty service.
  4. The company does not have a product return policy.
  5. To be eligible , the product must be accompanied by a completed and signed warranty card.
  6. Warranty is only valid within the country of the seller.
  7. Warranty does not cover delivery cost and transportation cost for on-site service.
  8. Warranty conditions may vary in different countries and comply with the requirements of the laws of the country of sale. More detailed information is specified in the warranty card that comes with the equipment. Detailed information on warranty and post-warranty service in Ukraine can be obtained by calling the Qtermo hotline at 0-800-75-60-75, or by sending a request to the Contacts tab.
For additional questions about the operation of Qtermo boilers, their maintenance, delivery conditions and warranty support, you can contact the specialists of our call center.
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